Madame Pamita's Magical Tarot by Madame Pamita
Madame Pamita's Magical Tarot by Madame Pamita
Using the Cards to Make Your Dreams Come True
The Magical, Mystical, Manifesting Tarot
Tarot can be used to create your future as well as predict it. While many people are aware that tarot is an amazing system for divination and for accessing deep spiritual wisdom, what most haven't realized is that it's also a powerful and practical tool for manifesting all that we dream of and desire.
Madame Pamita's Magical Tarot is a joyful journey that reveals the light in each of the 78-card--even those that have traditionally had negative connotations. The book's spells, affirmations, exercises, and card descriptions help you use the tarot to create a spiritual road map to your best life.
Experienced tarot readers and novices alike will learn practical ways to use the tarot to attract positive people, create abundance, open up opportunity, and realize a life of fulfillment, success, and pure happiness.